Thursday, March 15, 2012

Back on Track

Training is finally back on track. Eight weeks has blown by and we're still only on the first amber tray, but at least Zoey has finally been convinced that pooping on the rug has consequences.

Sadly, the rug got thrown away.

The last time I introduced the amber tray, Zoey decided that using the rug was a better alternative. Nothing seemed to work - I went back to the red tray, but she was on a mission to make training as hard as possible. Finally, after a good nose rubbing, tossing the pink rug, and a "coming to Jesus" talk, Zoey has returned to using the toilet.

I kept the red tray on the toilet for a couple weeks to make sure she was using it consistently again, and then I swapped it out for the amber one with crossed fingers. It's been about two weeks now, and so far there haven't been any problems. Both cats are using the tray perfectly, and I think it's about time to move to the second amber tray with the bigger hole. Based on our past experiences with transitions though, I'll probably wait at least another week before I try it. In the meantime, I'm loving not having to worry about stepping in a fresh pile when I walk into the bathroom!

Here's hoping that from now on, it's smooth sailing!

1 comment:

  1. Not the rug!!! And yes, here's hoping sailing is smooth indeed. Like Ex-Lax.
