Thursday, December 15, 2011

Becoming Domesticat-ed

I love my cats, but I hate their litter box. I think 98% of indoor cat owners would agree with that sentiment. The other 2% have dogs that eat what's left in the litter box, so they feel the same way but with different reasons.

Litter boxes smell. Bad. Along with the smell, every time a cat hops in the box, it's stepping in its own mess. When the cat comes out, it tracks litter and poo particles all over the house: on the dining room table, on kitchen counters, on your pillow.

I was tolerating my cats' litter box by keeping it out of sight. The less I saw it, the easier it was to avoid thinking about how disgusting it is. Toilet training kits for cats had piqued my interest, but I didn't give it much thought until I was about to move into a new apartment. In my previous apartments, there had always been a decent spot to hide the litter box: a closet in the office, a crawlspace in the bathroom. In my new apartment, however, there was not.

I refuse to have a litter box in my bedroom. The kitchen is not an option for obvious sanitation issues. If I don't like being around the litter box, my guests probably won't, either - there goes the living room. That leaves the bathroom, but my new bathroom is too small for my cats' large Breeze litter box.

Toilet training my cats suddenly became a valid option.

After doing some online research, I purchased the Litter Kwitter kit, as well as the extra training trays because I have two cats. The extra trays make the transition phases a little more gradual. I decided to start our training as soon as I moved into the new apartment, hoping that since my cats would already be familiarizing themselves with a new environment, they would be able to accept a new bathroom arrangement easier.

I am not sponsored by Litter Kwitter; I simply wished when I was doing my research that there were more in-depth personal experiences about other peoples' triumphs and fall backs while toilet training their cats. Hopefully, I can provide that to others.

Wish me, JC, and Zoey luck in our attempt to quit litter! One step at a time, we'll become "domesticat-ed".

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