Friday, February 24, 2012


After the success of having Zoey poop in the amber tray for the first time, my elation quickly turned into a new string of problems.

For about a week, Zoey used the amber tray if she was being watched and encouraged. Always the defiant cat, she started waiting later and later to evacuate. She somehow managed to change her schedule - by 12 hours. Instead of going in the evening like she used to, she's now going sometime in the early hours of the morning around 6.

The part I can't understand is that she still uses the tray when she needs to pee, so obviously she has no issues getting up on the tray. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Zoey is not only defiant, but out to make my life miserable. I've even switched back to the red tray, but she still is insisting on going on the bathroom rug.

I'm starting to run out of ideas. My mom suggested that I kennel Zoey during the night so she'll have to wait until I'm up in the morning to go. While it's not a terrible idea - I have a large, dog-sized crate - I would have to do some serious soundproofing. When Zoey's not happy, you know it, and I have a feeling my neighbors wouldn't be thrilled.

Before I resort to kenneling, I might have to try my grandpa's advice: "Maybe she just needs a magazine." Next time I'm at PetSmart, I'll have to pick up an issue of Cat Fancy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Smell of Success

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted, mostly because nothing new had developed. My cats were seemingly stuck on the red tray and I was starting to lose hope that my neurotic Zoey would ever get the hang of moving to the next step.

Last Saturday, since it had been a couple weeks since I'd tried replacing the tray, I decided to give it a another whirl. I wasn't too optimistic, but the red tray needed a good cleaning anyway so I gave it a shot. Later that evening, Zoey went through her usual signs of stress - she hopped up on the tray with the hole, scratched litter everywhere, then hopped down on the rug and scratched some more. Luckily, she typically poops at night, so I was home to watch her and keep her from going on the rug.

When she started scratching the rug, I would tell her no. She came over and whined to me, then went back to the toilet and hopped back up on the tray. She did this a few times, but finally --

She pooped on the amber tray!

A few of my close friends got texts of excitement from me before Zoey was even done. I feel like we've hit a major breakthrough. Since Saturday, she's been using the toilet every night. She still has to hop between the toilet and the rug a couple times, whining, but it seems to be getting easier. I reward her with a treat each time she uses the toilet, and of course I give JC a treat too because he's awesome and has had it down from the beginning. JC has even stopped missing the toilet when he pees.

I have had to sternly warn my boyfriend that he still needs to take the litter tray off the toilet before he uses it. I can just see most men looking at that little hole and thinking, "I bet I can make it..."